Freadom Books was formed in Gainesville, Florida during a wave of book challenges and bans across Florida’s public schools, and the challenge and removal of a book about LGBTQ+ issues at a local school. Fueled by the urgency of preserving diversity in libraries and challenging Florida’s dangerous and restrictive censorship laws (House Bill 1069), Freadom Books is a force of parents, students, teachers, and community members united by a common purpose: protecting the right to explore diverse voices through unrestricted access to books.


We find and purchase books that have been removed and banned from Florida schools and we strategically distribute them to Little Free Libraries, educational events, and community gatherings throughout the state of Florida. Every book we share has a sticker and an informational insert about the growing number of Florida book bans to increase awareness and rally more support for Freadom Book’s mission!


Book bans are about governing and controlling through fear, so raising awareness is critical. Many students and parents don’t even know that the current legal framework in Florida allows a single individual to effectively censor books in our schools, thereby silencing the collective voices of countless other parents and educators. These challenges and bans are not driven by individual concerns for their own children, as parents in Florida already possess the ability to review and approve the educational materials their children encounter; they are focused on restricting materials for every student. Florida teachers and school staff are being put in a terrible position: compromise intellectual freedom or fear losing their careers… or worse.

You can make a meaningful impact by contributing, enabling us to acquire more banned books for distribution. Or you can visit our online store, where you can purchase stickers, shirts, or posters, with proceeds directly supporting the mission.

Additionally, take action by obtaining a banned book and placing it in a Little Free Library anywhere in the state! Capture the moment with a photo and share it on Instagram, using the hashtag #FreadomBooks to help raise awareness and ignite change. Together, we can safeguard the diversity of thought and ensure everyone’s right to read, one banned book at a time.